Feb 5, 2015

Marker pin-ups 13

So I have now crossed the line of fifty pinups.  Definitely doing better than the first few - I reeeeally think I should be doing these on better paper.  Some bristol or something - the mid-tone sketchbook is beautiful but kind of absorbent for the markers.  So I'll get to that once I am done with this book.  For reals.

The Guardians of the Galaxy!

No, really.  Bug, Mantis, Moondragon and Adam Warlock.  Bug is kinda like Spider-man, without webs, but with a spear.  Mantis is one of the greatest martial artists in the Marvel universe (respect).  Moondragon is one of the greatest martial artists / psychics / masters in all human endeavours and Adam Warlock is the saviour that comes out of a creepy cocoon to save whole swathes of the universe from super bad shit. He also looks fabulous in crimson booty shorts and tunic with gold accent belt and bracers.  I should write these like the red carpet interview things at the Oscars.

"Moondragon! Moondragon, who are you wearing?"

"I am rocking a monochromatic sling thong with matching boots and gloves.  Also, a popped collar on a swoopy cape."

"What about your hair?"

"I traded it for supreme knowledge of kung fu and telepathy."


Aw dang I meant to make Mantis' hair more black.  Next time, Mantis.  Next time.

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